Use Your Existing Materials
Writing is hard work — make sure you squeeze the most value out of everything you’ve written.
Titles and Sub-titles
What is the purpose of the title/sub-title combination? Either one or both should make the subject clear to potential readers.
Keep Getting Stuck?
I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard someone say they’ve been writing their book for two years or more! Here’s how to get unstuck.
How to Work Effectively with Your Editor
If you’ve ever been tempted to edit your own book to save money or time, my advice is simple: don’t do it. Good editing improves even the best writing, and as the writer you are far too close to the work to edit it. When I wear my editorial hat, I see myself as the…
How to Publish – Traditional
New and potential clients often ask me whether they should publish traditionally. Here are pros and cons for the traditional route.
How to Publish – Indie
Last week I talked about the pros and cons of going after a traditional publishing contract. I freely admitted that I am strongly in favour of Indie. Today, I’ll tell you why.
Beware of Publishing Hucksters
With the growing number of authors realizing the benefits of self-publishing, or Indie publishing, it was inevitable that a whole industry would grow up around…
Working with a Ghostwriter
Today I want to talk to you about working with a ghostwriter, as it’s a topic that confuses many people. That’s because it’s not always understood…
Your Word Production Schedule
Even if you are working on your own without a coach, I recommend you follow the same principle. This will help you avoid having the process drag on and on.
The Better You Plan the Faster You’ll Write
Last week I told you how to decide how many words you’ll need to write to get your first draft complete on your schedule. But it’s all very well saying…